Show enumlist value from column along with its price in the email attachment pdf SALE TICKET

Hi community, I'm using a ref enumlist with the values of services my business offers. We have more than 300 services (lab tests), so its pretty easy to select multiple services.
I want to create a sale ticket showing a list of the selected services in the enumlist along with its corresponding price in this format:

Service 1: $50
Service 3: $75
Service 6: $100
Total: $225

I would like this to be in the pdf attachment that the automation creates and sends via email.

The enumlist column is called [Servicio], the price column is called [Precio]. I want to know if there's an expression I could use and where exactly should I use it. (attachment body, template google sheets in <<[Column]>> format?)
I hope I made myself clear, I'd be happy to clarify any doubt.

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Is the understanding correct that the [Servicio] column is an enumlist column with base type as reference and that it references the 
Sevices" table that has list of services and prices- one row per service?

Thanks, Suvrutt.
Correct, it is an enumlist column with base type as reference.

This is a screenshot of part of the table


This is how it stores the selected services (separated by commas):



I would like to take the selected services, and show them as a list, each one with its price by its size and the Sum of the total.

Service 1: $50
Service 3: $75
Service 6: $100
Total: $225

I would start by creating a slice of the Services table , based on the [servicio] list selection (using the IN() formula ). The slice will be easier to be sent in email.

Thanks, OptimiX, how would the IN() function work to split the selected services in the enumlist into a new row per selected service?

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