Show if seems not working properly with Type=Show


In order to emphasize a message in a Table. I made a virtual column [Message] as below:


This is working perfectly to show bigger font in form view before saved.

And then I create an [Image] (vitual column). [Image] use Type = Show, Category = Image & Content = ImageURL. 

All I want the effect is: If [Message] shows, The [Image] will show at the same time.

[Image] and [Message] show perfectly as I want. However I set Show If in [Image] not successful to sync with [Message].

What I tried below not showing [Image] at all, only [Message] works perfectly:





How can [Image] show with [Message]? Thank you.


Solved Solved
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[message] seems to return the value of App Formula.

Copy the expression in Content to App Formula and try ISNOTBLANK([message]).

View solution in original post


How about the same conditions you have in the Content of [Message], i.e. [Total Price] < 10000?

Hello TeeSee1,

[TotalPrice]<10000 works perfectly. However can [Image] shows based on [Message]? because [Message]'s formula will change accordingly. Thanks

[message] seems to return the value of App Formula.

Copy the expression in Content to App Formula and try ISNOTBLANK([message]).

Hello TeeSee1,

For you information. Content's expression cut and paste to App formula. Means Content's expression left blank. and ISNOTBLANK([message]) for image works perfectly.

Thank you and you saved me a day!

A bit surprised that it works with Content left empty because the document says App Formula for SHOW columns means nothing..

Anyway, glad it is working for you.

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