Show if statement for quick edit?

Silver 2
Silver 2

is there a context Viewtype expression for quick edits?

I have a concatenated VC of quantity & metric (eg. 15cm)

and would love that to show in my table view but when I press quick edit button I want that column to disappear and the quantity column to appear.

Or is that something you cannot do in quick edits?

0 1 70

As per my understanding, currently adding any additional condition when a table summary view moves to quick edit mode is not possible because there is no indication available to the app creator to detect that change. The view name remains same even after moving to quick edit mode.

As a workaround, you could explore having only the unit of measure in the VC and place that VC next to quantity. You could highlight those two columns a bit differently to convey the user that they need to be read together.


You could enable the following setting in the table view




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