Show image as url expression is not working

I went on using the above expression, the generated link is out on the spreadsheet, but it doesn’t contain the value of the column [Photo Ref].

I tried pasting my image column file on the url, it still works tho.

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There could be more issues but if you are really using the above expression as you have shown in the image, you will need to replace A ) “AppName” with the app name where you are using the expression B) “Table” with the table name in the app where you are using the expression. Hope [Photo Ref] is the name of a column in your app. Or please replace that as well with the correct column name in the app.

sorry my bad, i posted a wrong image, btw i have fixed it.

the link now comes up like this:

but the file name doesn’t generate when the image is being uploaded, i cant seem to fix it

Please elaborate on where you are using the link? Where do you wish to show the images? In the spreadsheet or in the app?

Also what kind of field [Photo Ref] is?

Edit: Added a query.

i would like the url being shown in the column in a spreadsheet, so i can click on it.

[Photo Ref] is a image type column, for our officer to upload image into it.

Okay, thank you. Please take a look at the following sample app.

Have you included a spreadsheet formula like in the sample app?

This one is working, but why the one I mentioned at first doesn’t work?

Also is there any way to stop showing the link on spreadsheet unless there are photos being uploaded?

Yes, you may try a spreadsheet formula something like below. I am giving the formula with respect to the test app. Please make suitable change as you need

=IF(NOT(ISBLANK(B2)),SUBSTITUTE(CONCATENATE(“",“Imagesinsheets-71626”,"&tableName=”, “Data”,"&fileName=",B2), " “, “%20”),”")

You may wish to compare the formula you were using with the formula that is working. Possiblly the last string “%20”),"" was missing earlier?

Sorry, I meant the formula I posted with image. I have seen people suggested it and it worked very well.

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