Shrink size of Status Column

I was trying to use some of the code from the Task List template to make a simple Grocery List. I have everything working the way I would like but can't seem to get the column to look like the sample. If I make the Item column wider it pushes the Ref arrow to the right as well. I looked through all the formatting rules and keep seem to find the issue. See example pics below. Any help would be amazing. Thanks!

Example of what I want it to do, see how the checks are to the right and stay with the > Ref symbol.

Screenshot 2022-03-07 211409.png

This is what mine looks like, the Check stays on the edge of my Item column. If I make the Item Column wider it pushes the > Ref arrow to the right off screen.

Screenshot 2022-03-07 211028.pngScreenshot 2022-03-07 211714.png

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  • UX

It appears the check is in its own separate column in the first photo. Did you notice that?

Did you mean to insert the same screenshot twice? Or is this some kind of "spot the difference" game?

Sorry, I did attached the same pic. I updated the post to include the pic of what happens if I try to make move the Title Column wider.

Yeah the check is in a new column in the first pic (good one) and in the second two screen shots (not working they way I want)

In the good UI, see the pic below. The check and the > stay together. But in mine its a huge white space between them and I can't seem to get rid of it.

Screenshot 2022-03-07 214245.png

Oh. Haha, I missed what I thought you might have missed. (the separate column in the bottom photos)

I think the case in the first is that the column size has auto-scaled to the value size in the column, that content is longer than your content. If you view that first app on a wider screen do you get the huge white space? You could try adding a record with a longer value, then doing a save and verify (with column size set to auto/default).

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