Single Form "Add" = 2 Records?

Hi all. I built a simple app for my kids allowances. For each task/chore they do, they get paid. However we’re trying to teach them about taxes, so we also have a tax “account” where we plan on carving off a small percentage of their allowances towards family things (voted on). Net-Net, I’m trying to see if there’s a way of submitting their payment, but on the backend splitting it into two records (Google Sheet), part of it towards the Tax account and the other part towards their account (4 kids, checking/savings “accounts”). Doesn’t seem like this is possible? Right now I basically put in 2 records and do the math myself (ex: 25 cents their account, 8 cents Tax account).

Another related question is transfers between “accounts”. We also trying to teach them savings accounts and the benefits of it. While interest rate is on the todo list (), today it requires two entries against the “Ledger” sheet that records all transactions (ex: -5 savings, 5 checking… the ledger sheet has simple timestamp, account holder, account, amount, and memo). Would love to have a similar “single entry = 2 backend records” to maintain the ledger (preventing fat fingering on my part).

For now I’ve got workarounds, but would love to add some more functionality to Bank of Dad.

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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Thanks. I saw those, but they don’t seem to support my specific usecase. Basically in the UI (form) I want to add one payment, and then do a man in the middle attack against that value, to do one of two things:

  • Applying part of the transaction to one account and another part to a different account, all against the same sheet (Tax). “Account” in this respect is just two different values in another column.
  • Add two records based on the transaction value (a positive and a negative) to different accounts (aka Transfer).

Either way, the value I put into the text field, I don’t want it to just pass in as-is to the backend Sheet. Hopefully that makes sense.

There is no way to accept input and not write it to the data store. You’ll have to work around that constraint.

Appreciate the quick response. Thanks!

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