Slice form auto fill issue

I create a slice table view and I enable quickedit beta option. But when I edit any column by opening slice form, then my Main sheet function is working in my slice form.  How can I stop it from auto filling in slice form? .

1 26 610

If I understand your question correctly,  a slice is not a separate table, it is just a filtered *view* of the table. Any edits, addition, deletes and any actions will be written to the table and the slice is just a view of part of the table. 

Hi @Joseph_Seddik Sir,

My main sheet name is campus scan sheet . This is also my slices filterBut all my campus scan sheet expressions are working in my slices filter form. I want that no expression should work in my slices table form. Please help me.


Slices table form quickeditSlices table form quickeditSlices CreateSlices CreateMy main sheetMy main sheet


@Sayad wrote:

My main sheetMy main sheet



What do you want to say. 

I'm sorry, I was kidding. At least those are not VC

What you are trying to do is not possible.

The only thing that comes to my mind would require to have a naming convention for all of your tables, slices and views.

This way you could use CONTEXT("VIEW")=STARTSWITH("SLICENAME") so that the expression can get the context and you would also need IFS on your AppFormula

The other thing is that maybe you don't need those Select() to be AppFormulas and what you expect is the Initial Value behavior

Perhaps you can tell us why you want to do this, and probably we can tell you a better way to do it. 

If, for example, you want to hide some columns and to do that you think of stopping expressions from running, most probably we can tell you how to do what you want (hide some columns) but in another better way. 

I want to remove all expressions in slice table form. 


campus scan sheet is my main sheet. This is also my slices filter. I have used select() function in my  campus scan sheet. Due to which the data gets changed while editing in slice form. 



OK, so as per the advice of @SkrOYC, you need to put the expressions in the Initial Value of the columns instead of App Formula. 


Hi @Joseph_Seddik @SkrOYC 

I have never used this function. can you tell me how to use it .

Remove your expression from App Formula, and put it in Initial Value.

Capture dโ€™eฬcran 2022-04-02 aฬ€ 01.44.18.png


Your suggestion is working in my slices table form. But my main sheet form column is showing when I put initial value. 



Do you want some columns from the "CAMPUS SCAN SHEET" table to not appear in the table view based on the "Putaway Process" slice? If that's what you want to accomplish, I think this is the instruction to follow:

  • In the slice's "Slice Column" section remove each undesired row by selecting the trash can icon.

I want to edit in slices form. But I have used select() function in my scan campus sheet form. Because of which the select() function is working in the slice as well. I want simple slice form. 

I  want no function no exprestion. 

Sorry, I don't understand what your saying, please explain what you want to do with screenshots. Thanks.

The function you mentioned is working but the column is showing in my original table form. I want the column to appear only in slices. And work automatically in my original table form. 


Before screenshot App formula.

After screenshot Initial value.




Maybe you need 2 different slices--each with the columns you want in the separate forms--for example:

  • Table: No view
  • Slice with columns A, B, C, D : View #1
  • Slice with columns A, B, E, F : View #2

If one sheet is added two times, then my work can be done. Can I add one sheet two times? 


In appsheet table

I believe you can use a single data source (eg, a sheet) in multiple apps, but not for multiple tables within a single app.

We already told you the solution for this.

You can't have different expressions for tables vs slices because the slice is just a filter for rows and columns from the table you chose.

The only workaround  I can think of was explained here:

Re: Slice form auto fill issue - Google Cloud Community

There is already a big languaje gap, I think that you should focuse on what we told to prevent more confusion

  1. @Sayad : posing an unclear question 
  2. @SkrOYC and myself: trying to guess what you are talking about and proposing different solutions for each guess 
  3. @Sayad : is not satisfied with any of them 
  4. I ask you to tell us exactly what do you want to achieve, so we can tell you how to do it directly without going in circles with your replies.  
  5. @Sayad : after several exchanges you say that you don't want the formulas to recalculate.
  6. I point you to the solution proposed by @SkrOYC  
  7. @Sayad : You tell me you don't know how to do it. 
  8. I post a detailed screenshot about how to do it. 
  9. @Sayad : you come back and tell me that it is not good because the columns are showing. Before you were talking about preventing recalculation, then suddenly you dismiss that and talk about something else that you don't want the column to show.  
  10. I ask you to explain again what you want to do with screenshots. 
  11. @dbaum : Proposes a way to hide columns.  
  12. @Sayad : You just dismiss his solution and talk about SELECT() statements and that you don't want functions or expressions. 
  13. @Sayad : Then you ignore @dbaum advice, and ask me the same question how to hide the columns, that @dbaum has already answered. 
  14. @dbaum : replied to you again explaining how to have multiple views, each with a different set of columns.  
  15. @Sayad : You ignore the solution again, and instead ask an irrelevant meaningless question about having duplicate sheets!  
  16. @SkrOYC : Is asking you to focus on the answers that you have been given, and points you towards that the solution that has already been provided.  


I don't know why you keep doing this. It has become a real pain to reply to your posts and YOU are not helping yourself. You'll just keep having problems that you cannot solve. 

I sincerely want to help you, but I couldn't understand why would you ask a question then ignore the answer and ask another question? then ignore the answer and ask again the first question? then ignore the answer then ask a third irrelevant question? Are you OK? 

If you are having difficulties understanding a reply, then simply ask for explanation instead of ignoring the reply and jumping to something else. 

Also, a kind reminder as @SkrOYC and I had told you weeks ago, you can still post questions in your own language if that would help you communicate better. This wouldn't help you however if you keep ignoring replies. 

I have solved this by myself. thank you all 

Please post your solution to help the rest of the community

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