Slice with the first occurence in column


I need a slice with only one row for value and user.

My table is like that


and i need a slice like that


with only the first ocurrence of the data

 It's possible to achieve it?





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Please try 

Please create a column called [Date] with an expression DATE([Date/Time In])

Then your slice expression can be 

[Key Column] =MINROW("Table Name", "Date/Time In", AND([Email]=[_THISROW].[Email], [Date]=[_THISROW].[Date]))


Please try changing the name of the column [Date/Time In] because "/" can be confused with division. Please try avoiding special symbols used in computation etc. and function names such as SELECT(), LOOKUP()in column names.

View solution in original post

Also your data seems to have changed. You have included only a date column instead of [DateTime] column.  So all the below data is identical and the expression will not work with only "Date".  There are other such groups of identical data rows. You will need DateTime type column as clearly mentioned in the earlier post and expression.

[Key Column] =MINROW("Table Name", "Date/Time In", AND([Email]=[_THISROW].[Email], [Date]=[_THISROW].[Date]))

Please note the above expression has two different columns "Date/Time In" ( DateTime type) and "Date" ( Date Type)


below data is again identical



View solution in original post


Please try 

Please create a column called [Date] with an expression DATE([Date/Time In])

Then your slice expression can be 

[Key Column] =MINROW("Table Name", "Date/Time In", AND([Email]=[_THISROW].[Email], [Date]=[_THISROW].[Date]))


Please try changing the name of the column [Date/Time In] because "/" can be confused with division. Please try avoiding special symbols used in computation etc. and function names such as SELECT(), LOOKUP()in column names.

It works! Thanks a lot!

Oh! With this expression, export the slice to csv is not working ! Maybe is a bug?

The CSV download will depend  on the underlying slice or table. It works perfectly for me when tested in a similar condition.  

You may wish to mention what problem you are facing and also check how you have set up CSV action, its locale, whether CSV action is enabled and applicable to the slice and so on.

With the expression

[UniqueID] =MINROW("Moviments", "Date", AND(IN([Edifici],Filtres[Edificio]), [Date]=[_THISROW].[Date]))

the export works correctly, but  with this expression don't do it

[UniqueID] =MINROW("Moviments", "Date", AND(IN([Edifici],Filtres[Edificio]), [Date]=[_THISROW].[Date],[Email]=[_THISROW].[Email]))

You cant try in

Also your data seems to have changed. You have included only a date column instead of [DateTime] column.  So all the below data is identical and the expression will not work with only "Date".  There are other such groups of identical data rows. You will need DateTime type column as clearly mentioned in the earlier post and expression.

[Key Column] =MINROW("Table Name", "Date/Time In", AND([Email]=[_THISROW].[Email], [Date]=[_THISROW].[Date]))

Please note the above expression has two different columns "Date/Time In" ( DateTime type) and "Date" ( Date Type)


below data is again identical



I have corrected the expression and now the export works as expected. Thanks again!

Regarding the expression, perhaps just:

NOT( IN([email], sliceName[email]) )

 Just an idea, haven’t tested it. 

Thank you for the details. You have added more conditions ( you did not mention [Edificio] earlier) and changed the configuration to dashboard. So more changes could be required.

Please try with mentioning your action "Export"  in the slice "FilteredMovs" in place of Auto



Also please mention the following in the action's "Only if this condition is true"

1) CONTEXT("View")="Consulta"

If this does not work , please try 



Neither works

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