Slideshow of good quality images

What would be the best approach in order to create a slide show of good quality images on the card of the menu view as well as on top of the details view? 

This is an example of what i'd like to accomplish:

Menu view:

Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 2.28.11 PM.png

Details view:

Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 2.34.12 PM.png

0 11 270

I have this so far:

Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 3.29.38 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 3.29.49 PM.png

I'm not sure it's possible.

Multiple images are usually saved as children of a main table, and AppSheet views let's you select an image column and it's derivates, not a list. Although you could try I guess? EnumList basetype Image.
I don't think this works anyway

@SkrOYC  thanks for your response. I tried EnumList basetype Image and it's not allowing me to add images.

This is what it's doing:

Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 10.48.55 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 10.49.02 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 10.49.09 PM.png

Well, you could use GIF images. The sample in a test app below. You anyway seem to be uploading some property photos per record. You could try GIFs instead. The below is just a test GIF so transition is fast. But you could create GIFs with proper transition speed etc.

Slideshow Demo.gif

Thanks @Suvrutt_Gurjar for your response. Well I'd rather have them static as a slide show. They also need to be good quality. But how do you accomplish that anyway?

Could you elaborate what you mean by "static as slideshow?" Also do you think the images displayed are not good quality?

I don't think the images that we store into Appsheet keep the same quality. 

This is what i mean:

Slideshow of still photos where you could use your fingers to go through them quick.

Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 2.28.11 PM.png

Okay , got it. Sorry, I believe that is not possible currently. I would have shared some other workarounds but you are possibly looking for a very high quality user experience, so sorry the other workaround may also not meet your requirements.

To your question on how the GIF images were created, please take a look at several excellent tips in the "Tips and Tricks" section by @Koichi_Tsuji  and @Kirk_Masden  on creating and including GIFs as images.

I used MS Power Point to create GIF shared in this example.

Thanks @Suvrutt_Gurjar . I think I can work with what i have so far. In the future, it'll be cool to have the option to slide show a table row. 

So far i was able to create this: 

Screen Shot 2022-09-28 at 2.38.27 AM.png

When you click any where in the card, it takes you to the pictures table. when you click go to details, it takes you to the details view.

Screen Shot 2022-09-28 at 2.39.32 AM.png

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @casitasrd 

@casitasrd wrote:

I don't think the images that we store into Appsheet keep the same quality. 

If you check this option, does it make the experience better ?




Yes @Aurelien this option does the trick for the good quality pictures part! Thank you so much! It's been there this whole time. Now we just need to wait until the gods of appsheet decide to give us the slide show feature in the card view type 😆

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