So, there is no IsEmail function or similarly simple email validator??

Okay, I'm new to appsheet and generally impressed, but this is weirding me out... AppSheet has all these great defined input types like address, email, duration etc.  But, unless it's hiding somewhere, it seems there's no simple way to validate that the user typed in what appears to be a valid email address???? Shouldn't that be baked right in and kinda automatic whenever the value expected is an email?  A function that could evaluate to yes/no based on rules like no spaces, has one @ symbol, at least one dot, etc seems like table stakes to me.  Is it there and I've just managed to miss it after 30 min of spelunking about for it?

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Did you try testing it?  It is baked into the Email column type.  If you don't like the message, you can customize it.  See images below.

Maybe you are not a familiar with how validation works?  Check Form Input Validity

Invalid Email entries

Screen Shot 2022-10-21 at 6.40.16 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-10-21 at 6.40.28 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-10-21 at 6.40.40 PM.png

Valid Email

Screen Shot 2022-10-21 at 6.40.54 PM.png



Try ISNOTBLANK(EXTRACTEMAILS([_THIS])) as the expression in a column's Valid if property.

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