Some Appsheet email server IP's are blacklisted on SORBS ?

Has anyone else noticed that, in the past few weeks, some Appsheet emails are sent from a Google IP's that are on the SORBS blacklist ?  

Appsheet support has been very vague about this (unresolved) "resolved" issue, which causes many of our elderly customers to have our emails end up in their spam folders, or for those Canadians who use (one of Canada's top 4 IPS's) to never see them at all.

Since I don't control Google's email IP's, and has outsourced their spam filtering, I in essence have to guess which of our customers might get our emails.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as I have already spent many hours talking to numerous support staff at both companies - none of which seem to have a clue about what the problem is or how or when it may ever be resolved.

P.S.  We are a high-end travel agency for retired Canadians, who think that spam is cheap canned meat.


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Am I the only one with this problem?  

I JUST sent emails to an elderly customer whilst I had her on the phone,

The first 2 were never received, but the third was - all within 3 minutes.

This has never been a problem in the past 2 years that we have used appsheet., only ion the past few weeks.

Am I missing something?


Good news!

Google Appsheet has recognized this as a real, and serious, problem.

They suggest that a solution is immanent.

Apparently I spoke too soon - Appsheet is still using SORBS blacklisted emails IP's to send emails, thus our paying clients are STILL not receiving payment confirmation emails.



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