Sort Dropdown (EnumList or Enum) by its previously selected values

Hello everyone, I want to have my previously selected values on top of my dropdown list and also have the ability to add new values. Since I edit these field frequently Iโ€™m trying to avoid searching for each record to remove it from the list. Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance.

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Hello @Hojati, welcome to our community !

That means we need to register how many times each record has been selected, and then we need to sort by it.

You could do that with an expression loaded into a virtual column (updated on each sync) or a normal column (updated by actions) on your table of dropdown list options (if it exists), depends on your app structure and preference.

You need a separate table only for your enum list values then, there will be a reference to this table from the table where the values are added, and it will allow you to add new options directly from that form.

Thank you @Rafael_ANEIC-PY
Let me describe a simplified structure of my App,
Table 1: Member
Columns: [MemID](key)

Table 2: Com
Columns: [ComID](key), [ComMem](EnumList, Ref to โ€œMemberโ€ Table, Valid If: Member[ID]), [ComMemBefore](EnumList, Ref to โ€œMemberโ€ Table, Gets updated after [ComMem] updates

Iโ€™ve added [ComMemBefore] to log the changes and donโ€™t use it in forms and views. I tried to use it as โ€œSuggested valuesโ€ for [ComMem] to show at the top of dropdown which didnโ€™t work.

So I have a logging system and counts donโ€™t matter
[MemID] has about 800 records and [ComMem] has about 40 records selected. I want to see these 40 records above the list when I want to edit [ComMem].

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