Sort Grouped View by Count?

I'm trying to sort a grouped view in order of the groupings with the most records. (I need to prioritize where to spend limited resources and this will help greatly). 

In my speaker database going back 25 years, some speakers have appeared 10+ times, others only once. Here's a shot of the grouped view. How do I sort by count, largest to smallest? 

Talks grouped by speaker.jpg 

And if you can think of a different way to sort by count (instead of using a grouped view) I'm all ears!


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Yep. Check out COUNT() and SELECT() for both.

View solution in original post


You'd need to add a Virtual Column to pre-calculate the counts per person. Then sort your view by that VC.

Thanks, I'll read up on that and try it out. 

Q: Do you think I could add such a VC in the Speaker Info table, calculating the count from the Talks Schedule table? It would allow us to see how many times a speaker has appeared.

(Speaker Info has only one record per speaker, while a speaker can appear in multiple records in the Talks table. The speaker column in Talks is a lookup that pulls one name from Speaker Info). 

Yep. Check out COUNT() and SELECT() for both.

A summary column seems to easily do the trick:

Speaker count.jpg

Teach me how to do this table if full name is a duplicate from another table

Source table : COMBINE CODE


Target: TOOL COUNTER1 table



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