Sort by Month/Year Issue

I'm having date/number trouble. I have a timestamp for when a record is entered into a particular table, and i also have a date associated with each record. I was wondering why my sorting was not working properly, and i discovered that i apparently created a TEXT virtual column to format the timestamp as follows:

TEXT([Timestamp],"MMMM YYYY")

I think i did this in order to group sections of records together, but the sort is not working because the field is text and it is ordering the "Month Year" virtual column alphabetically instead of by date.

I said all that to say, how do I go about grouping my records by Month and Year so that all of October 2022 is together, all of August 2022 is together, etc? 

I feel like i am overthinking this, and as such, missing something simple. I tried using MONTH([Timestamp]), YEAR([Timestamp]), and a few variations wrapped inside DATE(), but kept having issues.

A lil' push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

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If you want them grouped but  in chronological order, then you will want your sorting/grouping column to have the value  "Year Month #".  I would use the expression:

YEAR([Timestamp]) & MONTH([Timestamp])

It does not need to have a space in between unless you want to display it.

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