Sort dates that are in a text column

Hi all

I like to display dates to my users in the following way (and the code that I use in the virtual column):



    "So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa"
 ", ",TEXT([datum],"")



The problem is that it is not sorting correctly (by date), as this new virtual column needs to be a "text" column to display the day with the date combination.

Is there a solution or workaround to get the desired, or similar result?

Thanks in advance.


Solved Solved
0 12 521

Haha, you're right. I did actually notice that, then started writing a response, then thought about something else and completely forgot about the grouping, then erased what I first wrote to post the above message. 

But yah, @eddie61 , with that custom concatenation you're doing, and with the grouping, I see no way you'll be able to sort like you want. I always recommend using ISO date format, mainly for this exact reason. That is: yyyy-mm-dd. Feel free to add in your day abbreviations at the end of the ISO-formatted date, though.

View solution in original post


Don't sort by the concatenated text, sort by the date column (without displaying it).

Problem is that he uses this text column as a group, where you just get the option to sort by ascending or descending using that value

Haha, you're right. I did actually notice that, then started writing a response, then thought about something else and completely forgot about the grouping, then erased what I first wrote to post the above message. 

But yah, @eddie61 , with that custom concatenation you're doing, and with the grouping, I see no way you'll be able to sort like you want. I always recommend using ISO date format, mainly for this exact reason. That is: yyyy-mm-dd. Feel free to add in your day abbreviations at the end of the ISO-formatted date, though.

Thanks to both of you @Marc_Dillon & @SkrOYC 

I gonna run with the date format that you suggested.

Yep! That's the one I use for my document generation also, it's so easy to sort

I also generally make groups by month using something like "2022-07 July"

A little bit ugly for sure but useful

Hi all,

i'm trying to do something similar.

I'd like to group for date and showing that in this format:

Screenshot 2023-04-03 alle 21.59.32.png

i've used in group this virtual table:

CONCATENATE (TEXT([DATA], "d/m/yyyy"), " - ", [VTGiornoSettimana], " ", TEXT([DATA], "d"), " ", [VTMese], " ", TEXT([DATA], "yyyy"))


VTMese is another virtual column:
















and VTGiornoSettimana is another virtual column:










so that my actual output is:

Screenshot 2023-04-03 alle 22.04.07.png

But even with the date (converted in text by virtual column) not all dates are sorted properly.

How can i solve it ? 

Format the first part in ISO standard way yyyy-mm-dd

Hi Marc,

in this way ?

CONCATENATE (TEXT([DATA], "yyyy-mm-dd")

No way to hide then it (the first part) when group by so that i can see only the last part:

Screenshot 2023-04-03 alle 21.59.32.png





it works but it's a little confusing (at least for italian users that use d/m/y).

Screenshot 2023-04-03 alle 22.18.01.png

Any workaround do you suggest ?

That was the workaround.

๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

Thanks ๐Ÿ‘

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