Sort records in this order: 1, 2, 3...and then blank last

Does anyone know how I go about sorting records like this.



0 3 115

I had the same problem and could not find a solution (I'll keep monitoring this thread in hopes of a fix).

My workaround was to assign a default value in Appsheet so that the field was never blank. The value I would assign was something that I knew would fall AFTER all of the existing values. So, rather than be blank, I would use something such as "Unassigned" or "TBD" and then sort alphabetically for the table. It's not a great solution, but actually worked for my specific use-case. Hope it might help.

For a view's Group by property, there's no option other than the workaround that @SJKonthego described since all the editor allows is selection of a column:


There are Feature Ideas regarding potential improvements if you're interesting in upvoting those.

For properties where it's possible to use an expression, the technique would be along the lines of:

ORDERBY(Table[Key Column], ISBLANK([Sort Column]), false, [Sort Column])

Edit: I had posted an approach suggesting use of another VC for sorting the order. It will work in many case but not always when used in conjunction with another group by column. So  I withdrew that post. 

In general suggestion is around creating a VC (Number or enum type) and assigning the desired sort order to the VC. But it may not work as intended in all cases.

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