Sorting search filters when marking a category as searchable

I have been hoping to control the list of searchable filters (see last photo), to line up with the allowed values, and also to be sorted. Is there any way to control what results from the filter list? The first three photos show how I have designed the column.


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  • UX

I have also marked the column for 'searchable'

Im not sure if this will work or if its actually what you want. But from my understanding is you want the filters to list from top to bot in a certain order? cant use sort because the desired order is t in alphabetical.

But you could create a virtual column of numbers using if([Col]="seeding",1,if([Col]="up-potting",2, and so on)

Then back in "what task did you do today" use function orderby the virtual column in the suggested values. Dont know if this will work, just a thought.

I'm currently using the suggested values already for data entry, and it is working to have the enum possibilities all sorted. However, when it comes to filtering - it doesn't use the suggested values data anymore

are you saying when they check the box for example "seeding" it is still showing all the other values?

are the suggested values all the values in that volumn, or are you leaving out some? If so is it intentional? would it matter if the other values were there aswell? if it doesnt matter, then remove the list you typed up and check the box that says auto-complete other values.

Then in suggested values you would use  =SELECT(Target Table[Column with that list of items])


IDK what else could cause the filter not to filter unless it isnt recognizing the manually typed words as matching any in the column.

The filter works as expected! I just received some feedback from the user that it would be useful for the search filters to be sorted - some of the columns have very long lists of available options. In general too, it would be nice to have some control over what values come up when I hit the search. Currently it seems to be returning an unsorted list of the whole history of data entry for the column.

so with them having less options you will need(only way i can think if) to creat a virtual column.

if(or([what task did you do today]="seeding",[what task did you do today]="up-potting",[what task did you do today]="transplanting",),[what task did you do today],"")

put as many as you want inside the or() make it searchable and that will be all thats shown available in the filter.

For any other order but alphabetical you will have to create either a virtual column or a column in your spreadsheet with a number in a column that in the same row as the value you want sorted. Then sort that and it will also sort the original column you want sorted.

The filters are made of the list you import. So if you want certain values show in a certain order, you either have to change your list or creat a different list for your list to reference.




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