Split EnumList on Form Save



I have an EnumList which allows the user to select multiple parts from a list. When those parts are selected and the form saved an action occurs which goes to a filtered view.

The images below show what I am trying to achieve, the basics are:

Select Multiple parts

Save Form

Show those selected parts in list format.


Is this possible?


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Hello @DaveWillett, you can accomplish this using LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW() like this:

Option 1: if it's an enumlist base type ref 

              "Parts table view name",

Option 2: if it isn't an enumlist base type ref 

              "Parts table view name",

Let me know if this works for you

Thanks @Rafael_ANEIC-PY , will this add the list to rows?

I'll have a play with it and see what results.


My current expression is:



Add? not exactly, I understood you just wanted to show a filtered view according to the parts selected, for adding we need actions.

And since this is a single enumlist that contains all the rows that should be added, I believe what you need is to implement "Action Looping" in your app, you can learn more about that here:

Here's a very cool video about it:


And here's an app sample that shows it in action:


If you need help implementing this, let me know

Thanks again @Rafael_ANEIC-PY , I've made a copy of the App example.

I'll try to understand it but yes it seems a loop is necessary and logical. Basically the example App works with child tables where as mine doesn't. My enumlist reads from a menu (Table name - "Menu") of items to select and then  uses those items selected to place into the "Ticksheet" table. So I'm thinking if that happens then would there be a row containg the string from the enumlist and then a list under that, meaning the original row 1 would need to be deleted.


I see, that changes things up a bit, but I believe you can solve it by adding a grouped action at the end of your repeater action (you'll see more about that in the video).

That grouped action will simply apply a standard "Delete this row" action on any rows that have more than 1 item in your enumlist column, you can detect those occurences using COUNT(), you just gotta make sure that this happens after all rows have been added, will require a bit of testing.

Great ok thanks. I'll disect it all and see what I come up with.

Many thanks for the support.


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