Start An Email Formatting

QQ: Is there a way to format text in an email that is generated by the 'Start an Email' action? For example with bold or italic text?

If not, is there a better way to generate the email that will allow me to format it in more than plain text?

This is an extract of the expression that generates the email at the moment.

โ€œ,"You had " &[CE]& " customer escalation(s).","

โ€œ,"Your customer feedback rating is "& DECIMAL([DEX]*100)"% positive.","

โ€œ,"Your main focus area to improve is " &[Focus Area]& ".","

 As you can see, it's pulling data from multiple columns and it would be nice to make it more visually impactful.

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In the task to Send an email from an automation, you can use HTML to style the content or create a separate template with formatting.

Can this be done in the 'Start an Email' action, or does it have to be with automation?

Currently, the action is a nice system because the emails are sent after someone reviews the content, rather than automatically.

Sorry! I didn't read your post closely enough. I see now you're referencing the Start an email action, not the Send an email task.

AFAIK, there's no way to control the formatting of body content. Have you tried including HTML markup in the body of the action--or instead using a Go to a website action with mailto instead of http? It might be worth experimenting.

I thought that might be the case.

Whilst I am now confident using most expressions in AppSheet, I am a complete novice in HTML, so it may be more time than I can really spare on the task for now.

Thank you!

In case it's helpful, here are a couple sites where you can create your content in a WYSIWYG editor and then copy the underlying markup.

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