Status change automatically at automation proccess


I am making app that can manage equipment such as lending.

At automation proccess and formt rules, if [lending status] chages, the equipment that its status is changed become red color.

The equipment(column name is [Equipment ID]) set Enum. I am setting lending app as 1 item/1 ID

But I want to lend some equipment at once)/1 ID, so I would like to change Enum to Enumlist.

However, in that case, automation procccess cannot work successfully because if table"Lending form" [Equipment ID]  is Enumlist, app cannot lookup one equipment ID.

My settings are below. Could you tell me how to set automation proccess?

I have 2 tables. One is "Equipment", the other is "Lending form".

















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If understanding of your requirement is correct, it sounds that you wish to convert the reference column in the child 'Lending Form" table to enumlist.

However once you convert this to enumlist, you are unable to run the process called Child Process,  because in that process now there will be many Equipment IDs for which the process will need to update [Equipment ID] and [Status] of many columns.

If so, please evaluate using reference actions to update the parent table's [Status] column instead of using child process in the automation bot.

The sample app below updates child rows with the help of reference actions. You could update the parent rows( {Equipment Table) from the child table ( Lending Forms)

Reference Actions

The reference rows expression in the reference action could be something like 

SELECT( Equipment([Equipment ID], IN([Equipment ID], [_THISROW].[Equipment ID]))

Here the [Equipment ID] in orange is the [Equipment ID] column in "Equipment" table.

[Equipment ID] in blue is the [Equipment ID] enumlist column in "Lending Forms" table.

In the referenced action on "Equipment Table" you could update the [Status] column with an expression IF([_THISROW].[Lending Status]="On Loan", "On Loan", "Normal")

The above is not tested , but I believe definitely worth a try.


SELECT( Equipment([Equipment ID], IN([Equipment ID], [_THISROW].[Equipment ID]))

Here the [Equipment ID] in orange is the [Equipment ID] column in "Equipment" table.

[Equipment ID] in blue is the [Equipment ID] enumlist column in "Lending Forms" table.

This highlights perfectly the importance of keeping the names of your columns unique throughout your app.

You could name your columns as follows:

SELECT( Equipment([Equipment_ID], IN([Equipment_ID], [_THISROW].[Lending_Equipment_Links]))

There would be no confusion on which column was what, especially when looking at the two tables.

FYI: there are a few instances, rare and fringe of the fringe, where duplicate column names like this will confuse the system - producing strange results, if not generally breaking things. 

  • These are only found when building complex documents with nested START expressions; context becomes extremely important at that point, and duplicated column names in different table contexts... is a no-no.
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