Stock Management App - Clear value on edit


I’m trying to create a stock management app and I ran into some difficulties.
I have the following structure for the data:
Bin Location - SKU - Title - Quantity - Batch Number

I would like to create a Move function so that products can be moved between Bin Locations.
The way that I currently have it setup is that the Quantity is a quick edit value so the user decreases the value then taps on the action button which copies the row and the user edits the info of the copy in a Form.

The main issue with this for me is that I would like to clear the value of the Bin Location and autopopulate the quantity field with the quantity that’s being moved. I tried using a virtual column previously to save by how much the quantity is being decreased, but I couldn’t set it to be the initial value of Quantity in the edit form. Is it possible to clear column values on edit? I saw that there’s a function to set it to the initial value.
Any help would be greatly appriciated.

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One way to reset the value is with the option “ResetOnEdit”.

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