Stock management

Good morning Appsheet Support Team

I am raised on a point of my application that manages the Stock:

I wanted the quantity in stock to be physical and theoretical, the physical is what is in stock (which is the total of inputs and outputs (negative quantity), and theoretical is the same physical total minus the unconfirmed reservations of the orders to take into account this amount when making an output.

when the reservation is confirmed, it is removed from the reservation list. And that the quantities are changed in parallel

But I don't get the quantities right, I don't know if I have to add an action or what?



Application name: Almacen_PQ
Table name: Products, movements, Reservation_order
Column name: Physical stock,  theoretical stock



Solved Solved
0 12 304


Dear sir,

Share the table screenshot, expression etc.... Your case solvable .

Want to know about how you done so far... 

View solution in original post



Dear sir,

Share the table screenshot, expression etc.... Your case solvable .

Want to know about how you done so far... 

Can I share the application ?


I have tried to make some screenshots,
The expressions do not merge well, I do not know if I have to add an action or another automation. expression_Ctt_Reserved.PNGExpression_fisic_Stock.PNGExpression_Teoric_Stock.PNGProductTabl.pngRelations_Ship.PNG

I will fix this to tonight or tomorrow

Thanks for your help

Aleksi did not answer me

I have tried the excel functions which merge fine , but the data does not
sync immediately, better the Appsheet functions.

App is not accessible sir . Please give editor permission

Good morning,
sorry, I just saw your post because of time difference.
I have activated the setting so that I can see the app.


I want editor access for your app. I want look under the hood

1. Can you show me output?  or example ? if the formula and expression is right then it will work. 

2. your app column names are not in English so I could not understand easily. I need translations also for easy fixing.

3. I seen your expression It seems to be there is no mistake in it. you can try those expression in virtual  columns. 

4. Why do you put both initial value and app formula for those columns ?


1- I can send you the spreedcheet

2-Which table do you need to translate

3-I don't know if I am making  clear or not,
After an input or output with the Form [Movimientos] (Input/Output) that the quantities [ Stock teรณrico] and [Stock fรญsico] (Reel Stock) and [Stock reservado] (Reserved) are updated in the table [Products].

Theoretical Stock=Reel Stock-Reserved

I have already tried the expression Sum(Select(...)), in the three columns but it doesn't work well, now I am doing the spreadsheet function in google sheet, if you want I will share the sheets with you


4-I don't think I have done it, just a quantity column to make it default to 0. it doesn't give me any error

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