Stop a formula/expression from executing

Hey Everyone, 

Just wondering if it's possible to stop a formula with an expression using different types of IF() statements from running.

I do understand that you can have different IF conditions to determine the desired result you require. But! Is there as way you can  do something with the column so if a user was put in a client for example in another column on the same forum It will result in that formula/expression to not execute at all which in return will keep the app running faster as it does no need to do calculations.


Hope this makes sense all help is appricated. 




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You can't interrupt an expression or cause it to wait or something like that. But you can absolutely include conditions within the expression logic to skip it based upon another field value. Something like this approach:

  True, "",
  False, {the lengthy expression logic}

Thanks for the reply Graham, I will definitely try this I'm not in font of a pc atm but I'm assuming this switch function is saying.


If this field is blank then execute and return the value in the "" which is blank otherwise if its false then run the existing lengthy expression I have already written. 

Correct, although I have assumed the big expression is returning text, that's why I suggested "". If it is returning a boolean (Y/N), number, list etc then you would need to modify this accordingly.

Ahhh yes makes complete sense. This is going to work wonders just shaving off that few extra seconds when savings a form will make a massive difference.


Thanks again I will keep you posted. 

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