Suddenly Unable to Edit Row - Possible Validation Error

In one of my apps, i am suddenly unable to edit an existing row in a certain table. This happened before when Appsheet was going through some UI changes, and at that time, I reverted back to the old UI and it worked fine. Fast forward to today, and I am getting this when trying to edit an existing row:


The Date field has a Valid_If statement that historically worked fine to make sure that only one entry per date can exist, but now i cannot edit a date if the numbers were entered incorrectly without manually editing the spreadsheet. The Valid_If statement is:

Daily Totals[Date]

I have no idea how to get out of this one and would like some help, please and thank you.

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Platinum 4

I'm afraid I can't make sense of the problem. In what way can't you edit the date? The column appears editable in the screenshot.

notice the red dialog under the date. it won't let me save the edit because the date already exists.

to better clarify, i am not wanting to edit the date, just the numbers for the record for that date. So it will not allow me to edit an existing record and change values other than the date. It seems AppSheet thinks its trying to save a new record instead of editing an existing one.

@Steve i finally found where i had this issue in the preview UI. Here's a link for reference:


in that thread, @Arthur_Rallu stated:

Thanks for sharing. Overall, a number of people have reported issues around Form Views displaying inaccurate values when they are being computed by an expression.  I believe this might be another example. 

I've added this issue to the list of known issues in the original announcement so it's more visible. 

i guess the new UI has been pushed and this issue still exists? Surely there is a fix for this

update: I think i have it fixed. Started digging around in options and noticed Preview new Features was enabled


This has nothing to do with the desktop preview, nor is it a bug. Your Valid_If doesn't handle edits, only adds. Try this:

    SELECT(Daily Totals[Date], ([_THISROW].[_ROWNUMBER] <> [_ROWNUMBER]))

curious for further explanation, why does it work as-is when that preview new features option is turned off? It has worked since september without me touching it

It cannot have worked for edits as it was; it would only have worked for adds.

in that case, maybe nobody has tried to edit ๐Ÿ™‚

thank you

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