Sum(Select + _THISROW) Formula Problem

I’m working on an inventory app. I am using the formula below:
Sum(Select(Inventory[Amount], [ITEM ID]=[_THISROW].[Item ID]))
But the formula is summing the whole column [Amount] and not summing by [ID Item].

The total in-stock of all items is getting the same value.
Could you please help me?

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

SUM([Related Inventorys][Amount])

For reference:

View solution in original post


Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

SUM([Related Inventorys][Amount])

For reference:

Thank you!!! Thank you so much, I’ve been trying to solve the problem for days. Thank you so much, your formula worked!

Are you applying this formula to a Virtual Column. If so please try saving your app and check if it shows correctly.

Yes, it is a virtual column. Even if I save the app, the formula keeps calculating wrong. Adding all the values ​​of the column [Amount] and assigning the same value to all the [Item ID].

Did you try that ?

[ITEM ID] is your key column right? In that case you should be having only one row of each unique Item Id. There should not be same Item ID for more than 1 rows. To sum up if ITEM ID is the key column then there is nothing to sum() except that single row itself.

Got it, thanks a lot for the help! I managed to solve the problem. Thank you very much!!

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