Sum selected values in a list.( Somma valori selezionati in una lista.)

how to get the Sum of selected values in a list.

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"SUM prices= " & TEXT(SUM(SELECT(PRODUIT[Price],[sum?])))


View solution in original post


How are you selecting them?

I select rows on a view. thank

Hi @TonyB 

You may want to apply bulk action, like "make part of the sum": yes or no' and apply your sum to these rows.

Depending on your need, you will then make an expression such as:




For reference:

SUM() - AppSheet Help

SELECT() - AppSheet Help

Use bulk actions - AppSheet Help

I select rows in a view with 5 column. Only 1 column have numerico value.

Brunasso Cristofaro
Via Nino Bixio 10 - 10092
Beinasco (TO)
Tel. 3425795508

Try SUM( ...your old expression...)

not work. thank

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @TonyB 

You could try this option if that makes sense to you:

Screen Recording 2023-02-22 at AM.gif

or, with the Bulk Action way:

Screen Recording 2023-02-22 at AM.gif


Basically this is made of these columns:



And the SUM() expression is this one:





The second solution is ok.
So on the google sheet (PRODUCT) there are 2 columns named Price and Sum?.
Did you create an action with that syntax after that?

@TonyB wrote:

So on the google sheet (PRODUCT) there are 2 columns named Price and Sum?.


@TonyB wrote:

Did you create an action with that syntax after that?

This one:




But on the column sum?, i must insert this sintax? =FALSE()

No, just the initial value should be set as FALSE in your Sheets.

Sorry but not work. i have build this:

1) worksheet named [Elencospese] with 3 columns [Dettaglio], [€], [Calcola]

2) The column [Calcola] containe the value [FALSE] only first row

3) I have build a View [Elenco spese]


4) I have  build a action [Sommatoria]


something is missing? Thank🙏


Check the option "SHOW" for the column rownumber.

Add this column in your view Sommatoria if you still don't see it 🙂

And set the view name with the sum expression, in the Appearance section (make sure to select the flask icon)

2 questions:

1) is the name of the view correct?:

="Sommatoria" & =SUM(SELECT(List of expenses[€],[Calculate]))

2) adding the icon switch next to the column "€" the values ​​disappear.


Hi @TonyB 

Just type this, without any equal sign:

"Sommatoria" & TEXT(SUM(SELECT(List of expenses[€],[Calculate])))

🙏 can you ti sendme your app, for to control the differenze with my app. My app not work😭



"SUM prices= " & TEXT(SUM(SELECT(PRODUIT[Price],[sum?])))


Thank! Now work.☺️

How can I change it immediately it took a while to sync then return the value

But it takes time to sync how can I do it immediately

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

@Viet wrote:

How can I change it immediately it took a while to sync then return the value

Hi @Viet 

You need to use a virtual column for instantaneous computation.


If you don't mind, can you explain more about the virtual column to avoid the sync 

thank you



I have read it, but which column should be virtual to avoid the Sync when the button was pressed?

The one you wish to have calculated "on the fly".

It's a column you will add to your table, using this button:



Okay, I just success following your tutorial, only have a problem with Sync,

so the display name formula 

"SUM prices= " & TEXT(SUM(SELECT(PRODUIT[Price],[sum?])))

 the [Price] and [sum2] is a virtual column?

in Action it cannot set some value in Virtual column

An action WON't update a virtual column, as it is virtual.

Please create a separate thread in the Q&A section to avoid any confusion with the initial post 🙂

Okay, thank you 

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