Support for Multiple Calendar Types

Hi there,

Is it possible to incorporate different types of calendars, like the Solar/Persian calendar used in Afghanistan, Iran.... into AppSheet for a more inclusive app experience? I'm looking for insights or solutions to make my app accessible to users from various regions with distinct calendar systems. Any advice would be highly appreciated.

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When you add a new Google Calendar source to your app, you are able to select what ever calendar from that account. Are you looking for that?

Thanks @AleksiAlkio for your reply.

I'm in search of various types of calendars, including those that encompass the Gregorian, Solar, and Lunar systems, as different countries often utilize different calendars.

below calendar has 3 different calendars in one.
WhatsApp Image 2023-10-23 at 2.20.15 PM.jpeg

As far as I know, I'm afraid that's not possible with the calendar view.

I don't want to have all three calenders on view, I want only one at a time, as far as I know it is only date conversion. Can be added under settings to select the calendar type.

That's why I have requested this feature please vote for it. 

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