Supporting: create files (Excel/PDF) to save to OneDrive/Sharepoint using AppSheet's Automation

Hi Everyone,

I am currently building an AppSheet using my Google account (gmail) and utilizing data sources from both Google Sheets and AppSheet databases. Since my company uses Office365, I want to create files (Excel/PDF) to save to OneDrive/Sharepoint using AppSheet's Automation, rather than storing them on Google Drive.

I have researched documentation and forum posts, attempted various suggested approaches, created paths, modified default paths, but all seem to save only to Google Drive.

Is my expectation achievable, or are there any suggestions on how to make it work?

I'm hoping to receive helpful insights from the community.

Thank you.

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Files are saved to your default provider that you have used when the AppSheet account was created. If you need to save files to OneDrive, you need to create your AppSheet account using Microsoft credentials.

Thank you for your assistance, @AleksiAlkio . 

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