Swith expression Beetween tables

Hi, i am in need of some asistance, hehe!

I have a table called MOVIMIENTOS, in wich i have a column named PAGO, wich is set as color tipe (red, green, yellow).
On the othe hand i have a table called COLOR, in wich i have a column called IMG_COLOR, in wich i have the images of those colours (it is set like that to take it for a Deck view of MOVIMIENTOS table)

What i want to achive is that when the PAGO column in MOVIMIENTOS table is set in green, a virtual column, wich i could called COLOR DECK and set as image type, takes the colour of the table COLOR referred to green, wich in this case would be the valor of id=6bb5249d
I found some info about this aproach in the next post, but i cant figured it out...


Solved: Select Unique Values From Child Table with Switch - Google Cloud Community






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Why not make the PAGO column a Ref to the COLOR table?

I allready did, and i didnt realize to utilize a lookup() expression. Thanks for avery answer Marc!

You don't need LOOKUP() if you have a reference.


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