Syncing taking too long

Hello experts!

Sometimes my app takes too long to sync. 9 seconds feels like eternity when waiting for an app.

Here is a screenshot of the performance details:


It took 8 seconds to read {"RowsRead":"14877","ColumnsRead":"12"} . It's a "Read-Only" table. There are no virtual columns or security filters on that table. There is one slice with the expression: "[Cambios] > 0". The app's data is stored in Google Sheets.

I have enabled server caching, sync on start, delayed sync and automatic updates. Disabled delta sync and quick sync.


Is it a normal time for that table?

0 15 663

Hey man,

why do you need to read 15K rows at once? 😆

PS. I always have QuickSync Enabled

Hey Denny, the app is for consulting / checking inventory. 
I need a line on the table for every barcode. So, there are 14,000+ barcodes


well, wouldn't it be better to search for a barcode and thus deal with only one line at a time?

What do you mean? It’s a whole table, can’t decide which lines to read and which don’t

You could use a slice of data and filter it

I need the whole data to be available to be read, in case a user needs to consult something from the 14,000+ items in the store

Do you have virtual columns?  I've found that eliminating virtual columns has the greatest impact on getting my apps to speed up.

I don’t have virtual columns on the app, except for a ref column in another table.

Seems a bit slow. Is it a deployed app on a paid plan?

Yeah, is deployed on the Core plan

So.. you have the virtual REF_ROWS() column in your table, right? You mentioned you have 14k+ barcodes. Do you have them in this table? Are they barcode images?

No, the ref_rows() is in another table.

The barcodes are numbers.

Is the Ref column then in this "Datos Maestros" table?

No, is not. Is in another table

Do you have any sheetformula in this or in another sheet?

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