Table QuickEdit (beta)

Anyone else getting a lot of errors with this feature?

Enable QuickEdit (beta)

Allow edits to be made directly in the table view. This is an experimental feature and still under development.



When i used it last year it was working okay, but now, when i edit like 10 or more records at a time it only updates 1 or 2. The rest of the updates get lost. 


0 2 77

okay , just as an update. Its currently working again.

Not sure what happend.

I have tried to use QuickEdit (beta) but I have detected that the Event Action that I have defined in the XXX_Form view is not executed.
In my case I was trying to edit invoice lines in bulk but in the individual edition I have defined a line recalculation action that is not executed in the Block edition.
It would be very interesting if there was the possibility of executing an action when finishing the QuickEdit (beta) edition.

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