Tagging another user

I have 2 tables where I am looking to โ€˜tagโ€™ a row in table 1 for another user, who username & email details are stored in table 2.

My 1st table has a list of all obligations, and I have a 2nd view for a slice of that data where only the logged in user (based on email) is tagged. When I want to add a new row, I can select users (can be multiple) that row applies to (by selecting their name from a dropdown of users), so, my question is, how can I then update with the applicable useremails addresses from table 2?

  1. I open a row in table 1
  2. Add a username that this applies to (by selecting 1 or more names from a dropdown of users)
  3. How do I update this row with the email addresses of all users tagged (as found in table 2)?

0 34 829

Thanks, @Austin_Lambeth. Iโ€™m just getting started out here so hereโ€™s what I did. How do I have the top table update with the correct email addresses?
Iโ€™m a bit lost

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

This column:


should be of type EnumList with a base type of Ref with a source table of Users

What does this mean?

If I change it to ref then it removes the option to link to a source table, no?

My main view lists all lines in the table. My 2nd view filters that data where they are a main POC or additional POC, based on useremail(). Iโ€™m trying to update the Additional POC email field when their name is added to the row.

If you save the changes and return to that screen after, it should display the source table option.

How is their name added to the row?

@Steve, When I select names from the Additional POC field, and therefore Iโ€™m looking for their email addresses to populate.

Ah! Okay! In that case, the Additional POCs Email column should instead be of type EnumList of Email, with an App formula expression of:

[Additional POCs][Useremail]

Assuming the Additional POCs column is of type EnumList of type Ref to Users.

Damn, I thought we had it @Steve
Thatโ€™s unfortunately not populating anything into the Additional POC Email field, I picked a name from the Additional POC dropdown and it saves the email field as blank.

Am I missing a reference field between the 2 tables?

No, thatโ€™s what this is:

Please post a screenshot of the form view showing a POC chosen but with a blank email column.

@Steve I canโ€™t get the Additional POC Email column to show on the form

It wonโ€™t display until it has something in it. It wonโ€™t have something in it until you choose a POC.

Even if I have a value populated in Additional POC, the field โ€˜Additional POC Emailโ€™ will not show on the edit form.
It will show on the details, but when I go to edit, that field will not show.
The field is added to all my views

Did that screenshot give you what you were looking for?

Doesnโ€™t there need to be a . inbetween those fields? [Ref_ID].[Field you want]?

Not in this case. See Constructing a List from a List Dereference here:

well then

thereโ€™s my one learned thing for the day, time for a nap

It will show here, but as soon as I go to the edit screen it is not a field. I am also having to manually add the email address in the data source to populate

Perhaps Iโ€™m not grasping what you want. My interpretation has been that Additional POCs Email should be the email addresses of the individuals named by Additional POCs. Is that not the case?

I appreciate your help, @Steve
I think you have it, yes. For a row, if I select an โ€˜Additional POCโ€™ name (populated from a list in the users table), then I would also like for that email address to be added to the โ€˜Additional POC Emailโ€™ column for that row.
Multiple POC names can be selected

It appears to me, based on your screenshots, that itโ€™s working, then. It sounds like the problem is that the POC emails arenโ€™t displayed in the form view (though they are displayed in the detail view). Is that accurate?

That is correct, even if the field is populated it is showing in detail view but not form view.

When I do add a new row and select a POC name, the email field will not populate the data when saved.

Is Additional POCs Email a virtual column, or a normal (non-virtual) column?


Hmmmโ€ฆ Does the Additional POCs Email column have a Spreadsheet formula configured?

Nope, just the app formula
[Additional POCs][Useremail]

Does the spreadsheet column have any data validation configured?


Iโ€™m at a loss, then. Iโ€™m going to have to refer you to support@appsheet.com for further help. The team there will have better visibility of your app configuration. Sorry!

Thank you, @Steve. I really appreciate your time.

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