Template not showing all data

Hi All,


Have a really strange problem here and cant seem to figure out whats causing it. I have the below template in a google doc. However when I run the report only first few fields show and it only shows one record when there is five. If i change it to excel format runs no problem?



Run Report below




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Is [Report Slice] a column or a slice name? if it is a slice, the format should be Report Slice[ID Column].

I believe it is a slice, so let me know if you make that change so we can move forward hehe.

View solution in original post


Hello @bradley_davis1, only one record is shown because you have listed the column names but haven't used a START expression, those are required if you want to show several rows of data, read more about those here:


Also, are you sure that those columns you mention in your template match your column names EXACTLY? and that there's actually any data to display on them?

I did originally try adding a start reference at the begining but keep getting an error message.

The fields are correct as the same fields run perfectly if i change the format to excel



Is [Report Slice] a column or a slice name? if it is a slice, the format should be Report Slice[ID Column].

I believe it is a slice, so let me know if you make that change so we can move forward hehe.

Perfect I changed the start to read Start: report slice[door id] and it is now showin all the records and data.

Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

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