TimeSheet With Check-In & Check-Out using Automatic Bot.


I am building a TimeSheet for Mfg. Industries Employees.

I am taking Check-In and Check-Out Time Using QR.

1st By Using QR , when they comes in then Check-In Data Takes and when they goes out after work then Check-out Data Takes.

When they Comes in Duty.

Check-In Foam1.PNG

After Duty Hours

Check-out Foam1.PNG


and My Result is  

My Result.PNG

 But My Expected Result is......Expected Result.PNG


How Can I get these Types of Result Using Bot (I don't want to press Action Button Manually).

Please Guide me.

Thanks In Advance.


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The issue is that you are launching the Form as NEW each time.  At the point where you are launching the Form you need to be able to identify that the user has already clocked in, i.e. there is a row with clock in but no clock out, and re-launch the SAME row for clocking out.

If you have a button where you launching this Form then you can modify the expression to using an IF().  If no pre-existing row then launch as NEW, eles re-launch row.

If you are using a view on the Main view bar then you will need 2 views, hiding/showing clock in or clock out based on if a row is already present or not.  If no pre-existing row, show Clock In view and hide Clock Out view.  Else show Clock Out view and hide Clock In.

SIDE NOTE:  I am actually working with a very similar clock in/clock out feature - recording all details on a single row using barcode scanning.  This feature is very complicated with tracking of locations and ability to automatically flag the activity when issues are detected. The complexities have required me to create a LOT of expressions for showing/hiding information, defaulting values between clock in and clock out, and resetting certain shared columns.  Many times I have found changing something for clock out affects the clock in process.  

I feel the clock in/clock out process is fragile.  Either an unforeseen use case will breaks things OR changes in the future will be difficult, especially for a developer not familiar with the process.  For these reasons, I will be changing the process so that clock in and clock out activity is recorded in individual rows within a CHILD table.  Parent table will then tie these child rows together.  This way I still get the benefit of having the clock in and clock out in a single row for easy detection of state as well as easy calculations.  But I can make the data entry criteria clean, clear and efficient.


Thank you so much for your unique reply, concept & Notes.

I will try my best as per your Idea.

but for my convivence ,can you please share me the screen shoot of your Database reference system for this both 1st and 2nd Idea Or any Details pictures. (If you have Any). 

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