Tiny Pictures in Enum column

Hey all,

This seems to be a pretty recent thing. I have a series of columns for selecting images to display on a proposal. These images used to be adequately sized, but suddenly out of nowhere they are absolutely tiny, making it hard to see what the images are!


Anyone see this before? I 


Solved Solved
0 13 347

Yes, your observation is correct. The pictures inside the enum seem to have become tiny. Yes, previously they used to be bigger. Current quick  workaround option  ( not so elegant) seems to be to use "drop down" as input mode.

For long term solution, AppSheet dev team may need to be contacted.

Button mode:


Drop down mode: 




View solution in original post


Yes, your observation is correct. The pictures inside the enum seem to have become tiny. Yes, previously they used to be bigger. Current quick  workaround option  ( not so elegant) seems to be to use "drop down" as input mode.

For long term solution, AppSheet dev team may need to be contacted.

Button mode:


Drop down mode: 




Thanks! That was my solution too.

@Arthur_Rallu I was told you might be able to help with this?

Hi @Arthur_Rallu ,

Just in case it helps, I came across an old post where incidentally there was an image of an Enum column with base type as image. As we can see in the image below, the images look bigger and are not contained inside another box for the button as it is happening now. Will request your help as this option of using images for enum selections could have a substantial use cases.


Solved: Multi icon selection inside a view with submit but... - Google Cloud Community



@Arthur_Rallu Do you know if this is being addressed? I have 39 users and they are not happy about this change. Using dropdown is not an option for them as they need to see all options (all images in the enum list) at-a-glance. Please help 🙂

Reported to devs.

Thank you Aleksi.

Hello thanks for reporting this, this is an unintentional bug! We'll be putting out a fix for this shortly, please keep an eye out in the Release Notes 🙂 

Thank you very much @amyplin and @AleksiAlkio ,

Today I tested, and the images are back in enum buttons with proper sizes.



Hi @Suvrutt_Gurjar, I have been facing the same issue lately. I see you mentioned the issue is resolved on your end, however for me the images still appear very tiny when I use them in buttons or as dropdown.
Here is how my settings for the column are configured:
My settingsMy settings

With those settings, the dropdown in the desktop mode is as follows:
Screenshot from 2024-02-25 22-12-26.png

In mobile view the images are just a bit larger but still not usable:
Screenshot from 2024-02-25 22-08-34.png
The app will be primarily used on desktop so it would really be nice if I could get it to work on desktop mode. I'm tempted to think that the reason this is happening is because there are many images in the dropdown, but I don't think that is the case because I have tested out a small app with just two images and that still happens.
I do not seem to be able to find out why this happening or think of a solution to it, I will really appreciate any help on this.

@cmmasaba ,

if you refer the details, the original post mentions enum type columns with base type as image. Yours is a different configuration , you have enum type with base type as reference.  In ref column , I believe the image size is something similar as you have shown in the dropdown. Typically an image column is a label column in the referenced table and it gets displayed as you have shown with a text label. An example below



Why i cannot insert image larger in values ?

I've not to insert there to obtain your images shown in Choice image above ?

Screenshot 2024-06-04 alle 00.13.52.png

It sounds that you are using emoji to be placed in the enum values?

Please store the file name there and please store the image files in the same folder where the Gsheet of the app is stored.

Here are the details

The enum as it looks in the app form


The settings of [Choice] column



The storage of the image files in the same folder where the backend Google sheet of the app exists in the G drive.


Hope this helps.

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