To Get Feright Value From Multiple Conditions

Hi All,

@MultiTech@Suvrutt_Gurjar @Koichi_Tsuji @pravse @WillowMobileSys DATA' where add new recordsDATA' where add new recordsVEHICLE'VEHICLE'FREIGHT'FREIGHT'

Is there any formula to get Freight Amount by entering values in data table

Trip ID            :          UNIQUEID()

Trip Date       :          Today()

Vehicle No.   :           VEHICLE[Vehicle No.]

Vehicle Size :           any(select(Vehicle[Vehicle Type],[_thisrow].[Vehicle No.]=[Vehicle No.]))  'Auto Populated'

Trip Type      :          Freights[Trip Type]

Company Name   :      SELECT(Freights[Company Name],[Trip Type]=[_THISROW].[Trip Type])

From            :         SELECT(Freights[From],[Trip Type]=[_THISROW].[Company Name])

To                  :        SELECT(Freights[To],[Trip Type]=[_THISROW].[Company Name])


Freight      :      ??????????????????????????

[_thisrow].[Trip Type]="To Be Billed"))) ""

Didn't Work Properly

Please Help



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@Sandeep_1 wrote:

From            :         SELECT(Freights[From],[Trip Type]=[_THISROW].[Company Name])

To                  :        SELECT(Freights[To],[Trip Type]=[_THISROW].[Company Name])


Finding [Trip Type] by [Company Name] doesn't make sense here.  I doubt your Company Names are "To Be Billed" and "Adhoc".

It looks like you should be using the same column name of [Trip Type].

@Sandeep_1 wrote:

Vehicle Size :           any(select(Vehicle[Vehicle Type],[_thisrow].[Vehicle No.]=[Vehicle No.]))  'Auto Populated'

[Vehicle Type doesn't appear to be a column in your table.  Looks like this should return the size value (which needs to be used below)

any(select(Vehicle[Vehicle Size],[_thisrow].[Vehicle No.]=[Vehicle No.]))

@Sandeep_1 wrote:

[_thisrow].[Trip Type]="To Be Billed"))) ""

With above adjustment for Size, you can then include it this expression to select the precise Freight row.

[_thisrow].[Vehicle Size] = [Vehicle Size],
[_thisrow].[Trip Type]="To Be Billed")))

HI @WillowMobileSys @Steve @MultiTech 

Thanks For Your Reply. In my case, Trip Type filter the Company which pays against Invoice or By Cash Without any invoice

""To Be Billed""  means you have to generate invoice

"" Adhock"" means you received freight by cash, Invoice not needed

I tried your given statement many times but not output.

Screenshot 2022-10-22 121442.jpg

For Getting Fright of using FREIGHT Table.

1   Find Vehicle Size             "Then

2 Find Trip Type                   "Then

3 Find Company Name     "Then

4 Find From                         "Then

5 Find To                         

to get result

all information available in FREIGHT Table

please help me,



Double check the data table.  In the Form example, the Vehicle Size shows 10ft.  I do not see an entry for this Size in the example data table you provided above with the criteria shown in the Form.

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