Total Excel Reports

Buenas, Tengo una pregunta como podria Colocar una fila al final del Reporte en el excel que genera appsheet. 





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In  your template, in that cell (the one you want your sum formula in), include something like the following:


  • You can include as many lines inside your template that you wish; you just need to make sure that the START and END are on the same line, encapsulating that little repeating section.
  • But say you wanted to include a "KEY" at the bottom, with some further info - you can totally do that!  In fact, you can parameterize that as well
    • Some of this depends on HOW you're making the file.. but that's for another time. (^_^)


Depending on what formula you're using for the START, depends on what you need to do to get the totals.

  • <<SUM(SELECT(Table[Total], ....))>>
  • <<SUM([Related Whatevers][Total])>>

Does this work for an Excel-based template?

I never output excel files; try it and let me know!

  • I would assume yes, since all of the "file generation things" all generally stem from the same system.  Even though it's different file types, which I'm sure brings with it specific requirements and barriers, I'm betting they all basically run the same way.

I would assume yes, since all of the "file generation things" all generally stem from the same system. Even though it's different file types, which I'm sure brings with it specific requirements and barriers, I'm betting they all basically run the same way.

I don't believe that's the case.

Which part?

  • Excel data sources are full of issues you don't find with Google Sheets
  • The excel template seems pretty limited in what it can do; especially since it's not capable of multi-context output

I'm just failing to see the benefits of an excel output vs. others:

  • If you want to make the output look nice, why stick with excel - a PDF is much more capable
  • If you want the values in a table form, so you can easily copy the range and drop it somewhere else, - a CSV is just as good
  • The excel file type needs excel to open, or it's being "converted" into a respective type - where a CSV is the universal version of all this

I'm curious what other see as a benefit; if there's a good reason, I'd like to know so I can steer people to that solution if needed.

Yeah no... this doesn't work at all..

  • Turns out, just like using excel as a data source, exporting anything to excel totally worthless

If you want more problems than it's worth... go head.  Have fun! (^_^)

I'll stick to PDFs & CSVs.  #NoProblemsOverHere


When testing thing; I had problem after problem with the template, then with the files produced - each having some sort of error in the code that Excel didn't like when I tried to open it.

  • Problem after problem, I'm surprised at how messy this integration is to be honest. 
  • (Like I said earlier, I don't mess with this side of things - so I was completely unaware of how crappy this is.)


If you're trying to export to excel... ask yourself WHY?  Is there a good reason you're specifically doing that, or do you just need the values in a table form- like CSV, which can be imported into any spreadsheet software (typically without issue).

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