Transferring data from a parent table to a child table

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

In a table, I have created a virtual column of type 'List' with the following formula: Ref_Rows("ChildTable", "ExChildColumn").

If "Add" a line and create a new row from the parent table to the ref child table, AppSheet uses the 'ExChildColumn' to set the Ref ID with a UniqueID.

Is it possible to use data from the parent table to set the Ref ID of the child column?

Is it possible to copy a cell from the parent table to a column in the child table?


0 3 120

Consider posting some screenshots of what Appsheet is doing as opposed to what you would like it to do instead. Are you just attempting adding a row to the child table from the parent record view, or are you wanting to open the child table form with some prefilled info? Or are you filling out the form for the parent record and you would like to also add child records in a 'nested' form? Is something possible? Sure, but guessing on hypotheticals might not render the exact solution you need. A lot of parent/child references are actually handled automatically by Appsheet like during nested forms and when using the 'ADD' button under the inline view of the child records. These two actions do not however allow copying a cell to a column in the child table. You would need to use an action under the parent table of 'add a row to another table using values from this row' or using 'go to another view within this app' along with LINKTOFORM("ChildForm", "RefToParentColumn", [_THISROW].[keyColumn], "OtherColumn", [_THISROW].[Column]).


Unfortunately you answer to me with "These two actions do not however allow copying a cell to a column in the child table".

I have to find another way to manage my idea.

Thank you

Alternatively consider setting the initial value of the column in the child table to [ParentRefColumn].[ColumnValue].

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