Translate of LOCALIZE (language)


Hi again, 

Now my question is about LANGUAGES in LOCALIZE (UX) 

I created a sheet for translate the options in LOCALIZE, but I cann't find how to import data to my Appsheet.




I share the table if anyone can use it.

And how I use the translate in the sheet LOCALIZE?

TRYING with SELECT, ANY, SUBSTITUTE and LOOKUP, but nothing works


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  • UX

You cannot unfortunately import data into the Localize section, you'll have to change it manually one line at a time. 

Your traduc table is a good idea in case you'd be displaying more than one language in your app. In that case, instead of static text, you can use expressions to extract the corresponding value from your sheet based on the desired language. 

Otherwise, you might want to just put: Sรญ, No, Nuevo, Editar, Eliminar, etc. in Localization. 

By the way, in my apps, I'm keen to use gender-neutral action names, so for example, I'm using "Crear" instead of "Nuevo'".

You cannot unfortunately import data into the Localize section, you'll have to change it manually one line at a time. 

Your traduc table is a good idea in case you'd be displaying more than one language in your app. In that case, instead of static text, you can use expressions to extract the corresponding value from your sheet based on the desired language. 

Otherwise, you might want to just put: Sรญ, No, Nuevo, Editar, Eliminar, etc. in Localization. 

By the way, in my apps, I'm keen to use gender-neutral action names, so for example, I'm using "Crear" instead of "Nuevo'".

I use a language option in usersettings, along with a translation table. This is the expression template that I use for looking up the translation:


SWITCH( [_THISUSER].[Language Option] , 
  'English' , LOOKUP( 'xxx' , 'translation' , 'column' , 'display_english' ) ,
  'Spanish' , LOOKUP( 'xxx' , 'translation' , 'column' , 'display_spanish' ) ,


Hi @Marc_Dillon ,

then How you deal with any enum list column options. How to make alternatives for languages? I have this problem in my apps.

>>"How you deal with any enum list column options"

If I understand your question...

I have another separate table that holds all such options, that also has columns [english_display] and [spanish_display]. Then set the Label column as a virtual column that picks one of the values based on the UserSettings. Then change the Enum/EnumList column to have a base type Ref pointing to this new table.

Based on your respected reply, i might need to re visit the apps structure i am currently building. Valuable point, Thank you

Ok, thanks, can you share with me?


Hello, thanks. 

But for now I do not work with user settings. 

Is only to use it in each sheet instead of write it every time. 

Any more help?

More help for what? What exactly are you trying to do?

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