Triggering Email PDF of reports from app users

My app users create reports based on any time period they choose. I want to trigger a pdf of the report emailed to user email

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Hi, are you able to give more details what you are looking for, thanks!

Annualloadbook app has users that run
Reports for expenses each month or week or year

They also run basic reports for load revenue.

I need to make it so that when the fleet manager or solo driver or owner runs a report then the get it emailed to them

Jack Bates
Annualloadbook app

I would probably created 3 different action buttonsโ€ฆ Week, Month and Year. Those actions would write a value like โ€œWeek_โ€&NOW(), โ€œMonth_โ€&NOW() or โ€œYear_โ€&NOW(). Then you can read the condition like INDEX(SPLIT([PdfCreated],"_"),1). When you create the template for the PDF, you can then use that value for your Start: & End formula.

I believe I understand only not sure about adding the buttons
The process should be able to trigger from the sheet labeled " monthly summary "

anytime a user makes an enquiry to process a summary report, regardless of time frame. Creates a new line in the "monthly summary " sheet

Jack Bates
Annualloadbook app

If you have some kind of users table, you could trigger those buttons from there and additional table would not be needed. You only need one text column for that purposeโ€ฆ all buttons would write the into that same column.

Ok I will try it on a copy of the app


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