Trying an automation with "FAQ: add row per value in EnumList"


I've implemented this with success.

I'm wondering if anyone has tried to execute this using an automation. I'd like to be able to string together 2 or three of these from different tables. 

My app has a section for a user selection of an enum list which then populates another enum list. I've separated the first list using the process from Steve in the link above but since it pushes those rows to another table, I'd like to add an automation to do the second part. I've implemented so far as to add the data to the new table but it doesn't break the lists into rows.



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I'd utilize the API if you're wanting to do in in a Bot.


Hey Marc,

Which API? Do you know of any sample apps that have something similar?

The Appsheet API

Invoke the API - AppSheet Help


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