Twilio App Sample

I am trying to make Twilio and Appsheet to work together . I found the Doc about automation , changed every field , data but didnยดt work
Is it possible to some friend help me sendind a Appsheet Twilio App Sample so I can study where I am wrong
Thanks a lot

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Hi @Leo1973 Iโ€™ got it working fine. There was a few things you have to setup in Twilio to get it to work. Firstly I had to get a paid version of twilio. Secondly in twilio you have to specify the countries you can send to

About the item " Services "

For whatsapp is It necessary to fill it ?

Because there is a form

Obter o TypeApp para Android
Em 20 de dez. de 2021, em 06:41, Simon Robinson via AppSheet Creator Community <> escreveu:

What are the options?

It a form that we answer about country where the whatsapp Message Will be sent

About the business where the number of messages and many orher info

Also I ask If it is possible to have a view of your APPSheet application ??

Obter o TypeApp para Android
Em 20 de dez. de 2021, em 11:56, Simon Robinson via AppSheet Creator Community <> escreveu:

I canโ€™t show you the App as Iโ€™m not the owner. But here are the settings we used in the Automation Task. Note this was for an SMS message not a Whatsapp one.

TableName = where the data for the message comes from
AccountSID = Get this from your Twilio Account
AuthToken = Get this from your Twilio Account
Country Codes = We used โ€œUKโ€ and โ€œAUโ€
To = Either hard-code the number e.g. โ€œ01234567890โ€ or reference a column e.g. [phone]
Body = e.g. <<CONCATENATE("Hi ",[Name])>>

Hope this helps, also check out

One more question please. To use the Appsheet and Twilio , do I have to buy a Phone Number or I can use my Brazilian number ?

AFAIK you get a number with the Twilio account

Hi @Leo1973

In addition to @1minManager advice, we now need to deploy the app.

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