Twilio Integration

Good Day,

I am trying to use the twilio integration in an App that I am building. I have followed all the steps that I have come across in the documentation however I am still unable to get the Integration to work. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks,


0 6 1,088

What exactly seems to be the holdup? A screenshot of an error would help.


Thanks for your response. There isn’t any error.

I’ve created my own twilio account.

In appsheet I’ve selected: Custom twilio SMS

I’ve copied and pasted the AccountSid and AuthToken.

Country Code: ‘ZA’ since I’m based in South Africa

From Phone Number: I’ve added in from the twilio account

I’m not sure what I am missing.

Kind Regards,


Have you checked out this article?

Anything there that helps?

No I havent. I’ll have a look through.


Good Day,

I still seem to have an issue with the custom twilio SMS functionality. I have attached the following error message which highlights the reason for the error as it requested a 'from number, which I have filled in. Can you please provide me with guidance on how a phone number should be typed for example should it have a the area code +1…



@Containium_Trading_E you don’t need to use (+) sign at the beginning of your phone number. Consider reading this page as well:

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