Two detail views for one table, issue selecting which one

I have a table view of quotes, I want to have a first detail view to view the quote, and a second detail view to edit the quote.

I want to tap on a row in the quote table, to go to the view quote detail view, then have an action at the top of the page when tapped takes the user to the edit quote detail view.

Originally I made a slice of quotes with no formulas so it was basically a duplicate. I had the quote detail view as the view quote page, and the quote slice as the edit quote page. 

I have now tried to do it without the slice but can't work out how. I deleted the slice, changed my edit quote screen from quotes slice to quotes, but now when I tap a row in the quotes table, it takes me straight to the edit quote detail view. I thought there would have been a way to tell it which screen to go to, but I can't see how to do that. I thought there would be a system action somewhere to specify what happens when you tap a row on a table, but I can't seem to find it.

I'm sure it exists. I must just be missing it. Can someone please point me in the right direction?

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As the default behavior defined by the system, it behaves as below;

On Table View, select a row takes you to Row detail view.

Row detail view has an Edit button displayed as Overlay which, when pressed, goes to Form view to edit the row.

@clintinthecode wrote:

I have a table view of quotes, I want to have a first detail view to view the quote, and a second detail view to edit the quote.

What you are describing is exactly this behavior.

To change the row selected action check your Table view's row selected event behavior. It should be **auto** if you want to go to the Detail view (not edit form)



View solution in original post


As the default behavior defined by the system, it behaves as below;

On Table View, select a row takes you to Row detail view.

Row detail view has an Edit button displayed as Overlay which, when pressed, goes to Form view to edit the row.

@clintinthecode wrote:

I have a table view of quotes, I want to have a first detail view to view the quote, and a second detail view to edit the quote.

What you are describing is exactly this behavior.

To change the row selected action check your Table view's row selected event behavior. It should be **auto** if you want to go to the Detail view (not edit form)



Ahh thats the box I was trying to find but missed.

On Auto it doesn't work, the issue is I have two detail views for the quote table, and it picks the wrong one, it goes from the table to the edit quote view, whereas I want it to go from the table to the view quote view, and inside that view is an action to edit the quote.

So, im now one step closer. Having found that box you pointed out I have created an action to go to the quote view, and set that action, now when tap the row in the table nothing happens. So im on the right track, I just need to work out why my action doesn't work.

"CONCATENATE("#page=detail&table=Quotes_Detail&row=", ENCODEURL([Quote ID]) )"

Edit: Changing the target to the following got it working:
"LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("Quotes_Detail", ([Quote ID] = [_THISROW].[Quote ID]))"

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