Unable to fetch newly added data from static database table(Excel Sheet)

Hey there,
Facing this issue, in which I have form field of enum type. Enum value have some validations on it. List is fetching values before we deployed the application. But now whenever I'm adding new data is table unable to see that data in list. 
@Steve could you please help me pr tell whom I can connect with for 1:1 to retrace this issue.


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What validation formula do you have? And what options have you selected with your Enum definitions? Is it possible that your app is making a dependent dropdown with other columns and then affecting this Enum as well?

Yes, there is dependent dropdowns. values are fetched based on the data we fill in input field.
sort(Select(WSAMPLEPOINTS[Probepunkt], and([Transekt]=[_ThisRow].[Route], not(in([Probepunkt], Select(WSighting 2[Point], [Monitoring ID]=[_ThisRow].[Monitoring ID])))

In this Route is input field that is filled on the basis of the value filled in this field I was fetching list for Points dropdown.

If it doesn't show anything, it means your formula doesn't find anything to show. To find out the reason, start with the simplest one like WSAMPLEPOINTS[Probepunkt] and see if that brings everything. Then add the next condition rule, test it and so on. With this way you will find out from where the reason is coming from.

I've checked it earlier, simplest one was working fine but [Transekt]=[_ThisRow].[Route] this condition inside and is not working now. but it was working earlier around 1 year ago.

What this expression is expected to do is it will compare the value of transekt column in database table with the data filled in route input field.

Column types matches?

No, Routes was of reference datatype and transect is of text as transect is static I've tried changing it to ref but it didn't work.

The column type can still match with the Ref column as you can select the base type in your related table. Still, if the SELECT() is not able to find any records so the reason needs to be either with the column type or data doesn't exist.

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