Unable to view docx & xls file from ANDROID phone

Hello, ive made a column using FILE type and im having problem viewing/downloading the files from Appsheet once it has been uploaded into Google Drive.

I noticed this issue is only with files with DOCX & XLS extension.
It shows like this blank page once i click the file ive uploaded:
appsheet docx xls file prob.jpg

All image file type, pdf files works fine & i can view/download the files from my android phone. The problem only occur with DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX files.
And also to note, the file viewing/downloading works fine with IOS & PC. The problem only occurs with Android phone.

Ive read this thread here regarding similar issues but no update written in the thread: https://www.googlecloudcommunity.com/gc/AppSheet-Q-A/Open-File-Show-Blank-White-View/m-p/286102#M640...

Ive also tried enable & disable the "Require Image and File URL Signing" option in the SECURITY SETTING in appsheet but to no avail.

Can anyone help me to resolve this issue?

Solved Solved
0 6 4,068

Just an update. So if others having the same problem this may help to resolve the issue.
I've reached out to the Support Team and after some time we able to find the cause of the problem. 

The problem has got to do with the DEFAULT BROWSER APP used in Android. Im using Opera browser as the default browser app for my Android Phone.

The support team able to recreate the problem with their demo app and it seems that if we do not use Chrome Browser as a default, the problem will persist.

Its not the definite solution, but to solve this issue either we need to delete other browser app or set Chrome as the default browser app in Android phone, otherwise the problem will persist with files extension using DOCX, DOC, XLSX, XLS, PPT, PPTX.

Thanks again for the help from the community & support team.

View solution in original post


Are you sure that it was not downloaded?

Yes, ive search up in my phone file manager and theres no file downloaded onto my phone.

Im not sure what cause this problem. It only fails to download docx, doc, xls, xlsx files.
Ive also changed the respected google drive folder permission to ""public/anyone with the link"

That last step shouldn't be necessary.

Can you check permissions for the AppSheet app?

Ive checked the app permission. All are allowed. No issues there. 

From the pic above theres a 'Lock' button appeared on top left. Im not sure what that means.

Just an update. So if others having the same problem this may help to resolve the issue.
I've reached out to the Support Team and after some time we able to find the cause of the problem. 

The problem has got to do with the DEFAULT BROWSER APP used in Android. Im using Opera browser as the default browser app for my Android Phone.

The support team able to recreate the problem with their demo app and it seems that if we do not use Chrome Browser as a default, the problem will persist.

Its not the definite solution, but to solve this issue either we need to delete other browser app or set Chrome as the default browser app in Android phone, otherwise the problem will persist with files extension using DOCX, DOC, XLSX, XLS, PPT, PPTX.

Thanks again for the help from the community & support team.

@drfuadj wrote:

The support team able to recreate the problem with their demo app and it seems that if we do not use Chrome Browser as a default, the problem will persist

I'd suggest you to check Opera's settings about downloading files or also try to force open the link from files so that it opens the link instead of a webview.
Also check which Webview is being used in your device.

I find the "Use Chrome" answer to be quite vage and convenient for Google

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