Update Google Doc Template - Action Bot Create Pdf ... not update ...


i create a bot that create a new pdf file, using a Google Doc template.

When update template the pdf file not use last template updated, why ?

I've delete cache, update the app, delete the old files ... the issue is still here ...

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I've also create a new template from old Google Doc so all the old version will be blown away, add it to template in my App, but - it's really odd - the old template is still there ! How to solve it ?

Again delete the cache, save a new version of the app doesn't solve the issue ...

Is it something obivous like the your not dealing with the correct bot?

Try and get the app to do a save & verify as this forces the app to re-evaluate all the template files

Simon, 1minManager.com

In general speaking, the update with the same and connected Google Docs template should work without a problem. You should not need to create a new one if there is no any other reason.

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