Update Information via Deep Link in Details view


I am familiar with setting defaults for columns in a FORM view via a deep link string, however, I am looking to see if I can create a deep link string that would allow me to navigate to a row in a DETAILS table with a certain key value, but update a different column (โ€œPhone Numberโ€) that has quick edit enabled on it.

The reason being is that I have security filters on my tables to only pull information that is pertaining to the โ€œPhone Numberโ€ column in that specific row and in a form view it only runs the security filters once you hit save, and I want the app to dip into my database right off the bat and pull the related data to teh phone number.

I can get everything working except updating the โ€œPhone Numberโ€ column in the row.

Here is my link (FAKEappName is a replacement for the actual app name string)


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I donโ€™t believe thatโ€™s possible.

Try adding &quickedit=true to that URL.

Hey @Steve, thanks for the suggestion! I tried several different iterations of the string using &quickedit=true, but no luck so far.

Really the basis of what I am doing is passing a URL string from our phone service to do a dip into our database to search for a number and pull the matching records. I want the filtering to be done on the database level and not pull all the data into appsheets each time it it launches the URL as there are over 100,000 records on just that one table. The database is much quicker at parsing the request and feeding it to appsheet than appsheet loading the data and parsing it.

Its been working for me to use the form view and populate the data on launch but like I said before it takes a few seconds and I want to implement more data and for a form to pull adjacent data it must load all the data first then filter it. With a details table if you adjust data in quickedit it will look at security filters and pull new data immediatlyโ€ฆ which is what I would like to do since that will only result in a few records vs over 100,000.

Not sure if you or anyone else has thoughts, just want to make things more snappy. Essentially want to pull live data into appsheet from a URL request. Again, works for form view but not details.

Sorry for the long reply, but I appreciate you and the community!

QuickEdit in a detail view is just a one-column form submission (minus any Form Saved event action). If youโ€™re getting perceptible performance differences, youโ€™re app isnโ€™t doing what you think it is.

Hey Steve,

Thanks again for all the information. I just wanted to clairify with you what I do and how I get performance increase and ensure it is correct.

Instead of loading an entire table [Customer Infomation] from our database with 100,000 rows of data, I use a detail view of the table [Search] with quickedit on the โ€œphone numberโ€ column . The โ€œphone numberโ€ column is the security filter for the [Customer Information] Table, thereby passing the phone number to the database to filter results to appsheet. This (in my opinion and testing) prevents appsheet from loading all the results and filtering them inside of its application and instead passes the phone number to a where clause in our database and returns only the 1 or few results back to appsheet [Customer Information] table making it reload data to the app and returning the new results quickly or quicker than a full dip. I do this with Delayed Sync on, so it does it live in the app while you are working on other things.

I did test this out in a test app and the performance is noticably different from loading the 100,000 results at first pull, rather than passing the phone number while in the app and having it bring up new information shortly after.

Test Results:
Detail view on [Search] quickedit โ€œPhone numberโ€ that triggers security filter on [Customer Information]: 10sec
Full load of [Customer Information] no security filter: 1:13sec

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