Updating Child record based on Parent Update

I have a parent table named Fields. This is where customer fields are stored at. It has customer name, field name in it. The child table is the Loads table. This is where the truck loads for each field are kept. This includes truck name, customer, Field name(links to parent table field names). What I want to accomplish is when a field name is changed in the parent table I want it to change with the related loads rows. I am struggling to figure out where to start on the automation process and making a bot. any Ideas?

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You need to show us the exact tables definitions you have to answer your question.

For instance, if your Fields table is set up as having ID (key), Customer Name, Field Name (Label), etc and your Loads table's Field name is a ref to Fields table, then changes in Fields table's Field Name should be automatically reflected in the Loads table's Field name.

Load Sheet




Even though the load sheet has field as a ref type it does not automatically update the field name after the loads have been saved.


Apparently your updates mean something different from what I consider updates.

See any differences between what I have and what you have??




How is your field ID in the loads table connected to the fields name in the fields table

It is just a reference type field to the loads table. Nothing fancy.

My data structure is the same as yours. I don't know if it is because when I change the field name I edit the form and then re-save. Yours looks like a detailed view with an editable box, but I feel like that shouldn't make a difference.

No difference. Changes in a Form are also immediately reflected.

Interesting. I am unsure why it isn't working then. I have my data structure the same as yours. 

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