Updating Form Data With a Last_ Item Virtual Formula Applied


I am using a virtual Coloum on my form table that looks up the last submission and re-fills the data. MAXROW(“Entry Log”, “Created”). However,  I am now having issues with updating the data in the detail view after the submission. when I go to update the data it defaults to the original submission data ? Has anyone else experienced this and has a solution? 



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A virtual column is always recalculated based on its App formula using the row's most current data. Maybe what you need to use instead is the Initial value property of the columns you want to initially populate when creating a new row. See Define App formulas and Initial values - AppSheet Help

well, i am actually using the initial value property, the virtual column is what is being used in the initial value reference. What I don't understand is how this could be affecting an update to a row? when the row has already been created. Now I cannot update the row information. I am wondering if this is due to an initial, ref or what might be causing this?

I don’t follow what your current configuration is. I suggest post screenshots of your column(s) properties so that it’s clearer what you’re referencing. 

So Initial input works, then the virtual is a lookup from the last data row. But when I try to update the Phase Description Value, it automatically defaults to the original value. I also have this on the other table that I have included. Screenshot 2022-06-29 at 8.03.25 AM.png

Screenshot 2022-06-29 at 8.00.14 AM.png

It's still unclear exactly what you're observing that you don't expect. Here are a couple more details to check:

  • In the Entry Log table, the Created column uses an App formula, which means it's updated every time the row is updated. Maybe you mean to have that NOW() expression in the column's Initial value property instead.
  • If you're editing a pre-existing row and a column unexpectedly reverts to its initial value, check whether you mistakenly have the Reset on edit property enabled.
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